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Forecast Opportunity View - PO3917

2023 COVID 19 Aged Care Support Program

Contact Details

Health and Aged Care Grants Team

Email Address:

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Department of Health and Aged Care
Program Name:
Aged Care Support Grant Program

This Forecast Opportunity provides information relating to a possible upcoming grant opportunity, likely to be available during the below Estimated Period of Release. By registering on GrantConnect you can be notified of any grant opportunity offered by the Department of Health and Aged Care. Please note any details relating to this forecast opportunity may change with the published Grant Opportunity.

The 2023 COVID-19 Aged Care Support Grant program will provide funding of up to $428.78 million to support providers to transition towards managing the costs of COVID-19 outbreaks as part of their business-as-usual arrangements. The Program will reimburse approved aged care providers to maintain preparedness for, and respond to, outbreaks in the 2023 calendar year for eligible expenditure incurred in managing direct impacts of COVID-19 up to a maximum grant value per operational place for residential aged care providers or number of home care packages for home care providers.

Estimated Period of Release:
January to June 2023
FO Documents:

2023 COVID 19 Aged Care Support Program - Draft Grant Opportunity Guidelines
pdf 2023 COVID 19 Aged Care Support Program - Draft Grant Opportunity Guidelines.pdf 494 KB

2023 COVID 19 Aged Care Support Program - Draft Frequently Asked Questions
pdf 2023 COVID 19 Aged Care Support Program - Draft Frequently Asked Questions.pdf 449 KB

Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO6223 2023 COVID-19 Aged Care Support Program  |  Closed

Contact Details

Health and Aged Care Grants Team

Email Address: