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Closed Grant Opportunity View - GO7275

Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity – No Interest Loans Scheme

Contact Details

Department of Social Services


Department of Social Services
Close Date & Time:
18-Nov-2024 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
331003 - Social Inclusion
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Closed Non-Competitive


The Australian Government is inviting one organisation to apply in a closed, non-competitive grant process to deliver services under the Financial Wellbeing Capability (FWC) Activity – No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2030. 

To be eligible to apply, you must have received an invitation to apply through GrantConnect.

The NILS program contributes to FWC Activity outcomes by helping eligible individuals and families to purchase household items such as whitegoods, as well as car repairs, medical and dental costs, computers, housing (rent and bond) and education costs.

NILS provides participants with access to fair and safe loans up to $3,000 with no interest, fees or charges and a repayment period of up to 2 years.

The objectives of the NILS grant opportunity are to:

  • Provide access to NILS loans to eligible people and improve pathways to mainstream financial services and products, thereby reducing applications for unsafe credit.
  • Support participants to build their financial capability, self-reliance and financial resilience through the experience of applying for a loan and successfully meeting their repayment obligations.
  • Provide funding for operational expenses for the effective national delivery of the  NILS program.

This grant opportunity will open for 2 weeks for application.


To apply you must be the invited organisation identified in section 4 of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and have received an invitation to apply through GrantConnect.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Assessment of application - 4 weeks

Approval of outcome of selection process - 4 weeks

Notification to applicant - 2 weeks

Negotiations and award of grant agreement - Up to 6 weeks

Earliest start date of grant activity - 1 July 2025

End date of grant activity - 30 June 2030

Instructions for Application Submission:

By invitation only.

Contact Details

Department of Social Services
