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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6511

First Nations Heritage Grants Round 1

Contact Details

13 28 46



Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Close Date & Time:
24-Jan-2024 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
211004 - Heritage
Publish Date:
ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Administered Territories
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


Round 1 of the First Nations Heritage Grants provides funding for projects that are aimed at:

  • identifying new Indigenous heritage values at existing World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places
  • preparing submissions for the addition of Indigenous heritage values to existing World Heritage and National Heritage listings, as applicable
  • increasing protection of World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places with Indigenous heritage values that may or may not be recognised in the heritage listing for the place
  • improving management of World Heritage and National Heritage-listed places with Indigenous heritage values that may or may not be recognised in the heritage listing for the place.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN), unless you are not entitled to an ABN,

And you are:

  • a First Nations individual, group or organisation that is also the owner/manager of a listed place (see Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines), or
  • a First Nations individual, group or organisation that is not the owner/manager of the listed place and have evidence of the support of the listed place owner/manager for your project, or
  • a non-First Nations owner/manager of the listed place and have evidence of First Nations involvement and support for your project, or
  • a third party with:
    • evidence of First Nations involvement and support for your project, and
    • evidence of the support of the listed place owner/manager for your project.

And you are one of the following entities:

  • an Australian State/Territory Government agency or body
  • an Australian local government agency or body as defined in section 14 of the grant opportunity guidelines
  • a Commonwealth corporate entity
  • an entity, incorporated in Australia (this includes Indigenous land management organisations registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations)
  • a registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land council
  • a partnership
  • a publicly funded research organisation (PFRO) as defined in section 14 of the grant opportunity guidelines
  • an individual.

Find the full eligibility criteria in the grant opportunity guidelines.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $25,000.00 to $250,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:
Other Instructions: provides information and advice to customers via a range of channels including phone (13 28 46), email and web chat. Contact us for assistance.

Contact Details

13 28 46

