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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6520

Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement between the Department of Education and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC

Contact Details

Gemma Sandlant

02 6121 7371


Department of Education
Close Date & Time:
7-Oct-2023 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Primary Category:
131002 - Education Support
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


Support for the administration of the ABC Takeover Program and the Heywire Summit


The grantee must provide a national significant program that enhances the reach of the Office for Youth in engaging with priority cohorts of young people, particularly regional and rural young people. The program must be existing, tested and supported by a known and trusted organisation.  The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) is an Australian Government corporation and the only organisation which runs the Heywire and Takeover program which supports engagement of young people in regional communities. The programs provide young people with a national platform and supported by ABC financial support and in-kind support from other agencies.


OFY has assessed the Heywire and Takeover programs as:

a.     nationally and regionally significance and align with the aims of the Office for Youth in enhancing youth engagement through regional youth

b.     enhancing the voice of priority cohorts and enhancing the network of young people OFY will engage with

c.     complementing and leveraging the existing work and programs of the Office for Youth including the Youth Steering Committee and Youth Advisory Groups by providing the Office for Youth with an alumni network of regional young people

d.     having an enduring impact and stimulating longer term policy thinking such as future directions for youth engagement across the Australian Government through the ideas generated and acted upon by young participants 

e.     likely to deepen insights into the body of knowledge for the Office for Youth including the issues young people care about and best practice in youth engagement.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Instructions for Application Submission:

Commonwealth Simple Grant Agreement and Grant Opportunity Guidelines

Contact Details

Gemma Sandlant

02 6121 7371
