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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5529

Indigenous Skills and Employment Program – Stage One

National Indigenous Australians Agency
Close Date & Time:
26-Apr-2022 11:30 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
ISEP - Stage 1
Primary Category:
251004 - Indigenous Employment and Business
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Open Competitive

FO Reference:
Indigenous Skills and Employment Program


The Indigenous Skills and Employment Program (ISEP) contributes to closing the gap in employment by supporting pathways to employment for Indigenous Australians, through flexible, locally informed investment. The program will increase economic opportunities for Indigenous Australians and drive actions that connect Indigenous Australians to jobs, targeted skills acquisition and career advancement opportunities.

The ISEP is a complementary Indigenous employment program that endeavours to work seamlessly alongside other Commonwealth or State and Territory funded employment programs. The ISEP fosters partnerships and co-investment with key stakeholders at the local level, in particular with providers, state, territory and local government and employers, to realise mutually beneficial outcomes.

This grant opportunity is Stage One of a two-stage competitive selection process.

For further details, please visit the program website.


For guidance on the eligibility requirements of this funding round please refere to section 4: Eligibility Criteria of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Program Grant Opportunity Guidelines found in the documents section of this Grant Opportunity.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Successful Stage One applicants will be required to complete the co-design phase before Stage Two opens.

Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $0.00 to $50,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

The application form and supporting guidance material is available via the documents section of this opportunity. Please note, you will need a Grant COnnect account in order to access them. Acquiring an account is free and will allow you to be notified of any updates made to the Grant Opportunity, 

Addenda Available: