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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6640

Fair Work Commission (FWC) Home Care Packages (HCP) Program Supplementation

Contact Details

Health Grants Team


Department of Health and Aged Care
Close Date & Time:
31-Jan-2024 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
101001 - Aged Care
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Closed Non-Competitive


This grant opportunity provides funding to Home Care Package (HCP) providers, to cover the additional increased wage costs (as a result of the FWC decision) for HCP workers delivering award covered care and services to Level 4 HCP care recipients who hold insufficient unspent funds to cover the increased wage costs for their level of care and services in the 2023-24 financial year.

To view the grant opportunity documents, please select the red "Grant Opportunity Documents" button on the left-hand side.


To be eligible, you must be one of the listed organisation/s at Attachment A and have received an invitation to apply from the department.

All listed organisations are existing HCP service providers, with HCP care recipients on a L4 package and:

  • the care recipient/s had a HCP L4 in place on or before 30 June 2023
  • the provider has submitted claims, for care and services provided to the care recipient/s, to Services Australia for July 2023 onwards (providers with late claims, more than 1 month overdue, have not been included in the list of providers eligible to apply)
  • the care recipient/s spend their full HCP individualised budget each month on care and services (including care and package management charges), and
  • the care recipient/s held unspent funds of less than $2,000 in the 2023–24 financial year.
Total Amount Available (AUD):


Instructions for Application Submission:

Submit the completed application form and all necessary attachments by the closing date and time via the Online Application Form document located via the "Grant Opportunity Documents" button on the left-hand side.

You should keep a copy of your application and any supporting documents. You will receive an automated email notification acknowledging the receipt of the submission which includes your Submission Reference ID. Retain this ID if you wish to query your application. If you do not receive an automated email notification within 48 hours of submission, please email

Other Instructions:

Note the 2MB limit per attachment in the application form. Multiple files/documents should be scanned into a single document. Compressed or zip files are not accepted. File names must be unique and not include foreign characters.

Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Health Grants Team
