RC Growing a skilled & high quality workforce for Regulatory Policy
Grant Award List
Grant Awards (GA) are reported on GrantConnect as the result of a grant being awarded by an Australian Government entity. GA must be published on GrantConnect within 21 days of a grant agreement taking effect.
The mandatory reporting of Grant Awards on GrantConnect takes effect from 31 December 2017.
Criteria Summary
Criteria Summary
- Searching:Grant Awards
- Agency:All Active and Retired Agencies
- Keyword:-
- GA ID:All
- Date Type: Publish Date
- Date Range:1-Jan-2023 to 1-Jan-2024
- Recipient Name:All
- Recipient ABN:All
- Value Range (AUD):All
- One-off/Ad hoc:All
- Aggregate Grant Award:All
- GO ID:All
- Internal Reference ID:All
- Category:All
Search Results
RC Growing a skilled & high quality workforce for Regulatory Policy
RC Growing a skilled & high quality workforce for Regulatory Policy
Residential AC Services and Sustainability Final Agreement for AN ACC Transition Fund
COVID-19 AC Preparedness Expansion
Delayed versus early opportunistic pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in severe acute malnutrition in Timor-Leste: a randomised controlled trial (RCT)
LRCI Phase 4 continues the objective of the program to provide temporary, targeted support for creating and maintaining local jobs through road infrastructure and construction activities in communities across Australia.
COVID-19 Aged Care Preparedness
Volunteer Grants
Volunteer Grants
Australian INTERPOL membership
COVID-19 Aged Care Preparedness
Export Market Development
COVID-19 Aged Care Preparedness
COVID-19 Aged Care Preparedness