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Forecast Opportunity View - Festivals-R16-2023

Festivals Australia - Round 16

Contact Details

Program Officer

1800 590 577

Email Address:

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Original: FA16-FEB23

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Program Name:
Festivals Australia

Festivals Australia provides funding to support individual art projects at festivals or significant one-off community events, such as a town celebration or opening of a new community resource. Festivals Australia will:

  • provide access to a diverse range of high quality, innovative arts projects that grow audiences at festivals across regional Australia
  • support partnerships and collaboration across the arts sector
  • encourage community participation in arts projects at regional and remote festivals.

The program delivers two funding rounds each year usually opening in February and September. The Minister for the Arts (or their delegate) approves funding under the Program Guidelines.

Estimated Period of Release:
January to June 2023
FO Documents:

Festivals Australia - Round 16 Guidelines
pdf R16 Festivals Australia Program Guidelines_Feb 2023.pdf 459 KB

Festivals Australia - Frequently Asked Questions
pdf Round 16_Festivals Australia_ FAQs - February 2023.pdf 489 KB

Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO6075 Festivals Australia - Round 16  |  Closed

Contact Details

Program Officer

1800 590 577

Email Address: