Forecast Opportunity View - MaitriGP-2024-25
Maitri Grant Program 2024-25
The Centre for Australia-India Relations provides grants for economic, cultural and policy projects that benefit the Australia-India cultural and business relationship. The Maitri (“friendship” in Sanskrit) Grant Program has been developed to deliver the Maitri Grants and Maitri Cultural partnerships programs aligned to the Centre’s strategic objectives.
The intended outcomes of the program are:
- advance Australian business knowledge and engagement in India
- enhance quality dialogue of issues relevant to the Australia-India relationship in both countries
- promote diverse Indian Australian communities
- support sector-to-sector, organisation-to-organisation, peer-to-peer relationships, and partnerships between Australian and Indian cultural and creative organisations
This is an open competitive grant round for Australian organisations or individuals who meet the eligibility criteria to apply. Joint consortia applications are encouraged. In these circumstances, a ‘lead’ organisation must be appointed. The lead organisation must meet the eligibility criteria listed in Section 4 of the guidelines.
The Maitri Grant Program may launch from September 2024. An online information session may also be held once applications open.
Interested parties should register on Grant Connect with the key word ‘Maitri’ to receive notification of the grant opportunity publication and to access addenda and FAQ as they are published.