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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO546

Australian Laureate Fellowships commencing in 2018

Contact Details



Australian Research Council
Close Date & Time:
9-Nov-2017 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
381001 - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Research
Secondary Category:
381002 - Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Research
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


The Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme reflects the Commonwealth’s commitment to support excellence in research by attracting world-class researchers and research leaders to key positions, and creating new rewards and incentives for the application of their talents in Australia.

Open to applications from outstanding researchers of international repute, the Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme encourages proposals involving Australian or international researchers by providing eligible Australian Laureate Fellows with project funding in addition to a salary supplement and salary-related (on-cost) support.

The objectives of the Australian Laureate Fellowships scheme are to:

  • attract and retain outstanding researchers and research leaders of international reputation
  • support ground-breaking, internationally competitive research
  • provide an excellent research training environment and exemplary mentorship to nurture early-career researchers
  • forge strong links among researchers, the international research community and/or industry
  • expand Australia’s knowledge base and research capability
  • enhance the scale and focus of research in the Science and Research Priorities.

Up to 17 five-year Australian Laureate Fellowships may be awarded each year, providing a salary supplement, in addition to a Level E professorial salary provided by the Administering Organisation; funding for up to two Postdoctoral Research Associates (five years) and two Postgraduate Researchers (four years); and up to $300,000 per annum project funding.


Administering Organisations may participate in Australian Laureate Fellowships.

Eligibility Criteria for Participants

In any year, a person may be nominated on only one Australian Laureate Fellowship Proposal.

A Proposal may be submitted for an Australian Laureate Fellowship on behalf of an Australian or international researcher. An Australian Laureate Fellowship Candidate may hold a continuing or non-continuing appointment in Australia or overseas at the time the Proposal is submitted.

A Proposal must request at least a minimum of two PDRAs and two PGRs.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

A Project may be applied for and awarded funding for up to $300,000 per annum, which may include a request for funding for additional postdoctoral researchers and postgraduate students. The Project funding duration is formally five years on a full-time basis.

Instructions for Application Submission:

The Proposal must be submitted as a mature research plan presenting the proposed Project ready for implementation and must contain all the information necessary for its assessment without the need for further written or oral explanation, or reference to additional documentation, unless requested by the ARC.

Applicants should note the eligibility criteria for access to other funding schemes, as expressed in the Funding Rules for those schemes. The ARC reserves the right to change these criteria in future funding rounds. Funding Rules for all ARC schemes may be found on the ARC website.

Administering Organisations must submit Proposals through RMS ( unless otherwise advised by the ARC.

All Proposals must meet the format and content requirements, including certification, as set out in the RMS online form and the relevant scheme Instructions to Applicants. 

Contact Details

